
Online databases for tropical tree and forest biomass estimations

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Tree LiDAR scans and destructive biomass reference data

• Terrestrial LiDAR scans of tropical trees from Cameroon along with destructive reference data for biomass estimations.

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Tree LiDAR scans and destructive reference data on branch architecture

Terrestrial LiDAR scans of 9 tropical trees from Guyana along with destructive reference data on branch size and branching pattern.

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Wood density data of central African rainforest trees

Wood density measures in 6 vertical compartments for 822 forest trees (55 species, 16 families) destructively sampled in six countries of central Africa.

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Aggregated forest inventory data from central Africa

CoFor forest inventory data from 114 logging concessions in 5 central African countries aggregated at the level of 190,000+ field plots.